As Told By Teresa Gray
In the Summer of 2013, God prompted me (Teresa Gray) to make my first journey to Honduras through Carolina Cross Connection (CCC), a ministry in Gastonia, NC. After that first trip, my husband, Dennis, and I were called to go together to Honduras, again with CCC. After the second trip, we both knew that God was calling us to do “something” in Honduras. However, we weren’t sure what more we were to do, so we continued to pray and just say “Here I am Lord!” to whatever experiences He had in store for us. Over the next several years, we made trips back to Honduras with CCC and continued to learn about the country, as well as the very gracious and welcoming people who live there. In addition, we began to learn more and more about the educational system and the opportunities that exist for children and youth. Most importantly, we began to develop relationships that we know will continue for years to come.
In the fall of 2021, through lots of prayer and patience in waiting for God’s call, we stepped out in faith and began a new journey. A journey to offer hope, love, and encouragement, and an opportunity to build authentic relationships within rural schools in the region of Copan and the communities in which they are located, as well as in Comayagua. After returning from the 2021 trip, we completed all the paperwork to become "Project Education Honduras, Inc."
Since officially becoming a non-profit organization February of 2022, God has continued to cast a vision for where He wants PEH to go and what he wants PEH to do to support eduction in Honduras. We are excited to be on this journey with our God, and we will continue to follow Him wherever and whenever He leads.