The Villages
When we began this journey, we asked God to lead us to the villages where He wants us to build relationships and invest our time, materials, and service. We partner with villages in the mountains of of Copan Ruinas, alongside Honduras Evangelical Association. In addition, we partner with Prayer Plan Missions and provide school supplies and support to schools in Comayagua.

Schools PEH Supports

Schools in Copan Ruinas
In Copan Ruinas, we work alongside Honduras Evangelical Association and serve om Chart communities. We repair buildings and bathrooms in schools, build new schools/buildings, and provide school supplies to children and teachers. The most important thing we strive to do is carry the message of Jesus Christ into each village and build relationships.
La Laguna

La Laguna is where PEH began. Our first project was to repair the Kinder bathrooms. We have developed friendships in this school that will last a lifetime. We continue to support La Laguna with teacher supplies.


Remodeled Bathrooms
New Windows

Sanding and Painting the Swingset
San Miguel

New School and Bathrooms

El Limon

Rennovations to Kinder Building
New Paint in primary building
Las Medias

Rennovations to the lower building


San Isidro

Hacienda San Juan

Schools in Comayagua
In Comayagua, we serve alongside Prayer Plan Missions and provide school supplies to children and teachers. Carrying the message of Jesus Christ into each of these villages is also a top priority, as well as building relationships with the children and teachers. We also provide medicines to the clinic in Chaguatillos. We continue to ask God's guidance and vision for how He wants us to continue to serve His children in Comayagua and be in partnership with Prayer Plan Missions.

El Junco



La Campa


God's Blessings in Comayagua

The Center at Cabanas

The Children's Building

God gave Honduras Evangelical Association a vision in 2022. In 2024 that vision became a reality. After much prayer and many hours of work, The Center in Cabanas was officially dedicated for God's work. HEA continues to listen to God's desire and vision for how He will use The Center for His Purpose. Technical training, as well as Bible Studies and First Aid, are just some of God's Plans. We are excited to be able support HEA as they continue to follow God's mission. Project Education Honduras, Inc. has assisted in painting the buildings, and in cleaning and painting a building specifically for the children to have bible class. May God continue to guide and direct HEA in all they are doing to build the Kingdom of God in Honduras through Bible Studies and Relationships. Please join us in praying for the ministry of HEA and specifically for Steve and Audrey and all the staff. They are a huge support for PEH and have been mentors for us as we seek to serve our God in Honduras wherever He leads.